Azure Functions v2 stopped working after v3 release

Azure Functions v2 stopped working after v3 release

Azure Functions v2 stopped working after release of Azure Functions v3

Did you experience that problem? Because me and my team did. We spent a lot of time looking for solution which appears to be actually really simple. However, I couldn’t find Microsoft information about that in recent changelogs, blog posts etc. But let me explain what the reason was.

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Clean Architecture based on my open-source project

Clean Architecture based on my open-source project

Recently I am starting a couple of new projects. One of them is my university open-source project helping to donate animal shelters. The first challenge every developer faces is the architecture. There are many possible architectural patterns. I wrote a post about choice between monolith and microservices here.

But this post is about how to structure your solution. Clean architecture is one of the patterns which can be applied in monolith and microservice.

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Asynchronous programming in .NET - introduction

Asynchronous programming in .NET - introduction

At the beginning, it is worth considering what asynchronous programming is and why it is better than synchronous. Asynchronous programming involves approaching the problem in a completely different way. The point is that the program code does not execute line by line, waiting each time for the end of the operation to move on. It allows us to speed up the program to a great extent, release the main thread of the application.

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